What to do after a journey to help you intergrate.

Drink lots of water and eat as healthy as possible!

Be prepared for your for integration (this is a very important part of the process, probably as much or more than the journey itself) right after the journey for whatever may occur/unfold as part of the process (healing, detox, rewiring...). There are no "good or bad" things, but some may be challenging/uncomfortable. Same as while in the journey...So repeat as done in the journey: breath and lean in!

Acknowledge, embrace, accept, thank and let it go whatever comes up during integration.

Body symptoms/reactions are a way of somatic communication (link physical with emotions/energy and the intention for journey + experienced/seen/received in the journey). Understanding/joining the dots may help final integration and/or further growing.

Grounding exercises: breathing, bare foot walking, hugging trees, walk in the forest/beach, be in nature...

Slow down your daily rate, meditate, Yoga/Pilates/exercise

Make breathing (and breathing awareness) a daily habit: to be more present, recharge, self-regulate, re-connect with the "nice" experiences from the journey and with yourself.

To be more conscious/present of what is going on around yourself in your daily life (circumstances, relationships, thoughts...) or during dreams at night time, in order to get messages (from you to yourself) with regards to your intention for the journey/aspects of your life.

Journal and write down your experience and look at the intention for the journey and see how you feel after.

Make time for some "me-time".

Enjoy quality time with those you love.

Play, laugh and have fun...